The past few weeks have been a dream-like for me. I have been present, but not really here. In the end of March, my father passed away due to complications from a pretty routine procedure. It snapped me into the realization as to how fragile life is, but it also changed my perspective on some things that I won’t get into on this blog as they are pretty polarizing topics. I went out on a mountain bike ride the other day, it was nice to spend some time with myself and reflect on my life thus far. I have been pretty lucky to have the life that my parents worked their asses off to provide for my brother and I. For that I am ever grateful. Take care of those around you who have taken care of you. I will return the favor to my dad by taking care of my mother and brother the best that I can.
The End is only the Beginning
Exploring by mountain bike is a great way to see a larger area more quickly. Last week, I got out to my local climbing area for the first time this year while riding my mountain bike. I have had a lot of great memories in this little slot of rock in Northeastern Pennsylvania. So many people that I love have shared beers, stories and warm afternoons climbing these walls. I am grateful to have this place so nearby.
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