A Primer For Shooting The Night Sky
On a clear dark night, far from artificial light, billions of stars dot the sky. These celestial bodies can be so magnificent, the human eye strains to absorb the composite of their tableau. Capturing such
My Alien And I
A follower of this blog asked me if I could put together a primer on how to shoot the night sky and capture the stars as we see them. I will be working on that
Our Neck Of The Woods
It was a clear June night in Northeast PA, and I had just returned from traveling around the western US. It was late evening and I decided since I didn't get any astrophotography done while
We All Float On
I drove across the West Nanticoke bridge and noticed a group of kayakers paddling in my direction so I pulled off the road and hiked back to the bridge to see if I could get
Just A Man And His Mountain
We neared the Red Banks at around 12,000 feet on Mount Shasta. We were blowing out calories faster than we could pack them in, but we pressed on. The weather was bluebird, at the temperature
Reaching The Summit
I know i've shared this photo before, but after a little tweaking and more thinking about it, I had to share it again. It was late August, but you wouldn't know that by looking at