Alone In The Mist
Well, I have been quite neglectful of you folks, and for that I apologize. Daily Photo - Alone In The Mist The winter was quickly coming to a close, so a small group of friends
A Portrait Of Sourthern Utah
Daily Photo - A Portrait Of Southern Utah During a hot August afternoon, We drove around Arches National Park in South-eastern Utah. The afternoon sun was burning fiercely, but we continued to take in the
Up In The Canopy
Facebook Timeline Cover Photos Hey, are you looking to spruce up your Facebook profile, but not sure what you want as your cover photo? check out some of the free cover photos I am sharing
The Man In The Rock
Daily Photo - The Man In The Rock Bill and I were on our way out of Moab and heading toward the Ice Cream Parlor wall for a day of climbing. The Ice Cream Parlor
Geared Up
Daily Photo - Geared Up One of my favorite outdoor activities Is rock climbing, and when I get to do it at a time of year that isn't typical, I do my best to get
The Starfish
Daily Photo - The Starfish While I was in the Pacific Northwest last summer I got a chance to do some kayaking in the Puget Sound. We paddled to an island where we stopped to