Climbing Colorado’s Independence Monument
by Bill Urbanski The allure of the desert tower has long held sway over my climbing Psyche. When I first laid eyes on Devils Tower in Wyoming in 2004, I knew I had to climb
Friday Video: Czech BASE team – Swiss 2011
Czech BASE Team - Swiss 2011 from MarrtyCZ on Vimeo.
“Shit, I’m Gonna Die”
Seemingly stranded on a three by five ledge several hundred feet off the ground, and being pounded by rain, this was the first time in my life I had thought to myself "Shit, I'm gonna die."
Gear Stash: Granite Gear Blaze A.C. 60
There are a lot of different qualities that people look for in a backpack for the outdoors. Some people like all kinds of bells and whistles and some people want the bare minimum. If you are one of those who don't like much more than you need for your adventure, If you are a minimalist by nature, then perhaps the Blaze A.C. 60 by Granite Gear is something for you to consider.
Happy Thanksgiving from CampTheSummit
I want to wish everyone a great and happy Thanksgiving, and also to share this little piece of holiday cheer with you. Enjoy, and don't eat too much.
Glacial Playground: A Photographic Climb Of Mount Rainier
To me, one of the most fascinating mountains in the world is Rainier. Stretching 14,410 above the Pacific, Rainier is a icon of the Pacific Northwest. It's volcanic legacy provides proof that our world is continually changing. It is a life goal for some, and a training ground for others. I craved Rainier for many years, and subsequently attained it's coveted Columbia Crest in August of this year. I have provided a few of my favorite shots from this beauty of a mountain. Enjoy!