Each year, many of us take the last few days of the year to reflect on what we have accomplished, where we missed the mark, and what we would like to achieve in the next year. Resolutions, promises, goals, call them what you will. I simply call mine: “Six Rules for 2014”. Nothing too crazy, just six simple rules to help myself grow in 2014.
1.) Slow Down
I often find myself living life entirely too fast, rushing through everything. I started noticing this in my photography. At the end of a day of shooting, I would realize that even though I got great photos, I could have learned more, or got even better results had I slowed down and thought about each situation. So in 2014, I intend to slow it down.
2.) Be Healthy
This is a big one! Eating crap is so easy, and not very satisfying. In the past month or so, I have started making a majority of my meals, and not only do I feel better, but I am saving money in the process. 2014 calls for more of this. Much more!
3.) Live Simply
This one is simple. Evaluate your life. Keep what is important, phase out the rest. If you find it was something you needed, you can always bring it back into life. In 2014 I hope to eliminate the possessions that I no longer have a use for. I feel that leaning out my footprint will help me live more comfortably.
4.) Don’t Overreact
There is no doubt that sometimes I let things bother me that shouldn’t bother me. In 2014 I hope to keep this in check and to not overreact to the small stuff, increasing my overall quality of life.
5.) Take More Walks
This one definitely falls in line with slow down, be healthy, and live simply. Taking more walks will help me take the time to get inside my own head and brew new and exciting ideas. In 2014 I will take more walks and enjoy the simplicity around me.
6.) Document More, but Don’t Miss Enjoying The Moment
Anyone who knows me, or frequents this site knows that I am in love with documenting my life experiences. But even though I show you so many photos of my life experiences, I feel like I could still do a better job. One thing that I often fail at is keeping a journal, especially when I am traveling. That being said, I must not let my documenting of life interfere with actually enjoying life. In 2014, I will take more notes and record more moments that mean a lot to me.
Well folks, there you have it, my list of six rules for 2014. I hope that when I am getting ready to write this post again next year, I can reflect on 2014 and say “Wow, I went above and beyond those rules.” but only time will tell. With that being said, I wish you all a happy new year, and if you are heading out to celebrate tonight, have fun, be safe, and don’t forget to take notes!
Last Photo Of The Year: Lair of the Frozen King
Emalee and I went for a walk during a snowstorm two weeks ago and had a blast exploring the frozen landscape of Ricketts Glen State Park. Chandeliers of icicles hung everywhere we turned. When I took this photo, I immediately thought it looked like the lair of some sort of frost king. I’m channeling my inner nerd here.
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