Waiting In The Crater

Two years ago, I took on the challenge of Mount Rainier, the most glaciated mountain in the lower 48 states. I always wanted to climb that mountain, and my dream was about to be realized. Since not everyone is fortunate enough to achieve their dreams, I decided that I would climb this for charity, thus

By |2017-12-16T19:34:13+00:00August 20th, 2013|Extreme Travel, Photography|2 Comments

Rainier The Chanllenger

I stepped off the paved trail, my boot plunged into the sun ripened snow of the Muir Snowfield. Standing majestically, miles above me the glaciated slopes of Mount Rainier called to me. After months of training, fundraising, and traveling to smaller mountains to test my mettle, I had arrived, It all came down to this

By |2017-12-16T19:34:28+00:00February 16th, 2012|Adventure|0 Comments