How I Prepared to Climb a Big Mountain without a Big Mountain

Some will argue Rainier isn’t a big mountain. There are 53 peaks in Colorado over 14,000’ and Rainierstands at 14,411’. True it isn’t Everest big, but it is the most glaciated peak in the contiguous UnitedStates. Serious mountaineers come to Rainier for training. Depending on the route, you’ll gain upwardsof 10,000 vertical feet and spend a good bit of time at altitude. To me, that makes Rainier a big mountain.

By |2017-12-16T19:34:47+00:00March 23rd, 2011|Climbing|7 Comments

Ain’t Nothing But A JTree Thing

Over the past several months, my travel life has accelerated by leaps and bounds. This has led me to some pretty classic rock climbing, with some pretty fantastic human beings. Say what you will about it, but none of this would have been possible without social networking. All of the travel I have

By |2017-12-16T19:34:50+00:00December 6th, 2010|Climbing, Events|0 Comments

NETweetup This Friday at The Nor’Easter

This Friday we will be holding a tweetup at the beer garden at the Nor'Easter Festival. Enjoy an evening of meeting up with your Twitter friends in person to talk shop and just plain old have fun. Giveaways and more will be on hand, so be there or be lame. Planning on attending? sign up

By |2017-12-16T19:34:52+00:00September 22nd, 2010|Events|0 Comments

Hiking in the Whites

About a year ago, I took my first trip to New Hampshire. I clearly remember cresting a hill on rte 16 and being greeted by the beautiful white mountains. right then and there I wanted to do some serious exploring in this area. Unfortunately at the time I was not outfitted for a winter trek

By |2017-12-16T19:34:54+00:00June 20th, 2010|News|4 Comments

GearHead: Eastern Mountain Sports Formula Sync Jacket

For those of you who dont know, Eastern Mountain Sports is a retail chain that spans most of the North Eastern United States. EMS as they are also known as specializes in adventure sports equipment ranging from Rock Climbing and Kayaking to Mountain Biking and beyond. They also carry there own line of

By |2017-12-16T19:34:55+00:00June 12th, 2010|News|Comments Off on GearHead: Eastern Mountain Sports Formula Sync Jacket