Bridge Day 2011 Accident, A Reminder Of The Risks

Let me preface this by saying, although he survived that fall, the extent of his injury is not known yet. This is a reminder to us all of the risks we assume when Jumping off a bridge, dropping into a powder bowl or climbing a rock face. Risk assessment is an important part of any activity and should not be taken lightly.

By |2017-12-16T19:34:38+00:00October 19th, 2011|News|4 Comments

New River Rendezvous Ocho Loco

On Thursday my crew and I will be packing up our climbing and camping gear and heading southwest to the famous New River Gorge for a long weekend of camping, climbing and an all out party. Yes we will be partaking in this years New River Rendezvous. for those of you not aware, the New

By |2010-07-11T15:37:07+00:00July 11th, 2010|News|Comments Off on New River Rendezvous Ocho Loco