Reel Rock 7: New Paltz

Hundreds of climbers and outdoor types descended upon the campus of SUNY New Paltz this past weekend for a different type of class.  The annual Reel Rock Tour, now in it's 7th year was showing it's four films and the excitement couldn't have been higher. This years films were: The Dura Dura, The Sharks Fin, Wide Boyz,

By |2017-12-16T19:34:22+00:00October 10th, 2012|Climbing|0 Comments

The Gigantic Gargantuan Gear Giveaway

The guys at and have been working feverishly to put together the ultimate gear giveaway.  With over $7500 in gear up for grabs, the Gargantuan Gear Giveaway aims to be one of the biggest explosions of gear this year. Starting August 1st, 15 winners will receive swag from some of the biggest names

By |2011-07-11T14:00:48+00:00July 11th, 2011|Gear|0 Comments