New River Rendezvous Ocho Loco

On Thursday my crew and I will be packing up our climbing and camping gear and heading southwest to the famous New River Gorge for a long weekend of camping, climbing and an all out party. Yes we will be partaking in this years New River Rendezvous. for those of you not aware, the New

By |2010-07-11T15:37:07+00:00July 11th, 2010|News|Comments Off on New River Rendezvous Ocho Loco

A Weekend At The New

It was mid Thursday and the truck was loaded up, bags full of camping and climbing gear filled the bed. We were ready to leave our home in Northeastern PA and make our way 8 and a half hours southwest to the New River Gorge. Each year in May the New River Alliance of Climbers

By |2017-12-16T19:34:54+00:00June 20th, 2010|News|1 Comment