Keep Paddling

If I am not shooting photos, on a mountain bike, or climbing, then chances are, I am out on the water paddling. Kayaking is one of those activities that really helps me unwind and reach an almost meditative state. This shot was captured late last summer with my GoPro as I paddled sixteen miles down

By |2017-12-16T19:34:13+00:00August 19th, 2013|Photography|0 Comments

Paddle Party

This weekend we took to the lake to celebrate a friends birthday party. We grabbed our kayaks and headed down to Lake Jean at Ricketts Glen State Park in Northeast Pennsylvania. The weather was perfect for kayaking! It was warm, there were lofty clounds floating in the sky, and the winds were calm. While waiting

By |2013-07-02T10:30:47+00:00July 2nd, 2013|Adventure, Photography|0 Comments

Lurking In The Boulders

My photography follows my interests in life and greatly reflects the things I do and love. Recently I decided to give kayaking a try and really have found myself enjoying being out on the water. There is so much to explore and exploration is one thing I love to do. I have found many new

By |2017-12-16T19:34:23+00:00July 11th, 2012|Photography|0 Comments