Colorful Colorado

Waking up at 5am is hard to do, and you know what? it's even harder to do after a few cold ones the night before. All headaches aside, I reluctantly pulled myself from that sleeping bag I called home for five hours and began to get ready. We had around a thousand miles to cover,

By |2017-12-16T19:34:40+00:00August 4th, 2011|The Road Report|0 Comments

Day 3 Wrap

ST. LOUIS, Missouri – Two and a half hours of sleep at Josh’s brought my two day total to 3.5. At 5:15 AM, I was back behind the wheel. First stop, well, coffee of course, but then after speeding across the state of Missouri, we stopped in Independence to visit the home of

By |2017-12-16T19:34:41+00:00August 3rd, 2011|Guest Post|0 Comments