Signs Of Adventure: Reno Nevada

Cross country travel is always full of surprises, it's hard to really foresee where one might end up on any road trip really. When my friend Bill and I traveled across the United States to Portland, Oregon to attempt to climb Mount Hood. Unfortunately Mother Nature was not kind to us and we had to

By |2017-12-16T19:34:03+00:00February 13th, 2014|Signs Of Adventure|0 Comments

You Always Remember Your First

Ahh Vedauwoo, a sleeper hit among the climbing world. It could chew you up and spit you out without care, or it can open a whole new world of climbing adventure to you. It's aggressive rock and piled up rock offers a paradise for off width and crack climbers alike. A Joshua Tree of the

By |2017-12-16T19:34:11+00:00November 12th, 2013|Photography|0 Comments

Otter Cliff Silhouette

One of my favorite quick trips this Summer was to Coastal Maine. One of my outdoor pursuits is rock climbing, and when I did my homework on Acadia National Park, I found all kinds of fun stuff. In addition to rock climb style hikes like the Precipice and Beehive trails, there is a coastal climbing

By |2017-12-16T19:34:12+00:00October 30th, 2013|Photography|0 Comments

Rock Climbing Meets Madison Avenue

By - Bill Urbanski One sure sign that rock climbing has hit the mainstream is its recent appearance in several current television ads.  Miller Lite injected a humorous look at climbers into its “un-manly” series.  Heating and air-conditioning company Service Experts also used humor in a pitch featuring an “expert” ice climber. For a more

By |2017-12-16T19:34:35+00:00January 26th, 2012|Climbing|2 Comments

Climbing at The Gap

After reading what I could, I decided I wanted to climb a Gap classic, a 5.4 called Triumvirate, located on Mt. Tammany. Mt. Tammany is on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River and is one of the two main climbing areas at The Gap. The other is Mt. Minsi on the Pennsylvania side, which I hope to explore on another trip.

By |2017-12-16T19:34:37+00:00November 3rd, 2011|Climbing|0 Comments

Tower Take Two

  By: Bill Urbanski The last time I climbed Devils Tower, which was also the first time I climbed Devils Tower, I was lucky to get down unscathed, and unscorched by the powerful lightning storm that at first hastened then later interrupted our rappel.  The harrowing account of my first Devils Tower climbing experience

By |2017-12-16T19:34:38+00:00September 27th, 2011|Climbing|0 Comments

Independence Monument

September 2, 2011 GRAND JUNCTION, Colorado – The allure of the desert tower has long held sway over my climbing Psyche.  When I first laid eyes on Devils Tower in Wyoming in 2004, I knew I had to climb it – and I didn’t even start climbing seriously until 2009.  I’ve since climbed Devils Tower

By |2017-12-16T19:34:38+00:00September 23rd, 2011|Guest Post|0 Comments

Fremont Canyon

Saturday, August 13, 2011 ALCOVA, Wyoming – This spot was not on the original itinerary, but thanks to my friend Kendall Bassett, I sure am glad it was added.  This spot is Fremont Canyon, a rock climbing gem about thirty miles outside of Casper, Wyoming. Bill atop the Low Voltage Wall at Fremont Canyon

By |2017-12-16T19:34:39+00:00August 23rd, 2011|The Road Report|0 Comments

Tower Take Two

Friday, August 12, 2011 SUNDANCE, Wyoming – The last time I climbed Devils Tower, which was also the first time I climbed Devils Tower, I was lucky to get down unscathed, and unscorched by the powerful lightning storm that at first hastened then later interrupted our rappel.  The harrowing account of my first Devils Tower

By |2017-12-16T19:34:39+00:00August 19th, 2011|The Road Report|0 Comments