The Path To Heaven

Gateway Arch stands as a testament to our achievements as a nation and our restless desire to explore. Gateway Arch is special to me because it symbolizes westward expansion, and the desire to do so. Expanding my horizons to the West is something that is deeply seeded within, and I continue to venture into the

By |2012-05-22T18:59:28+00:00May 22nd, 2012|Photography|1 Comment

We set sail!

At 3:30 pm eastern standard time, Bill and I set off on what with be a multi-faceted adventure. For me, this will be a 5 week adventure spanning much of the country. Climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking, Outdoor Retailer and so much more on the agenda for this trip. Much of our travel time today was

By |2011-07-30T04:39:10+00:00July 30th, 2011|The Road Report|0 Comments