Signs Of Adventure: Reno Nevada

Cross country travel is always full of surprises, it's hard to really foresee where one might end up on any road trip really. When my friend Bill and I traveled across the United States to Portland, Oregon to attempt to climb Mount Hood. Unfortunately Mother Nature was not kind to us and we had to

By |2017-12-16T19:34:03+00:00February 13th, 2014|Signs Of Adventure|0 Comments

Scaling Headstone

Joshua Tree National Park is a seemingly boundless playground for rock climbers and adventurers of all types. Every year (except this year unfortunately) I meet up with a tight knit group of climbers that descend upon Joshua Tree National Park, specifically in Ryan Campground for what has been coined #JtreeTweetup. This little gathering started a

By |2017-12-16T19:34:09+00:00December 23rd, 2013|Photography|0 Comments

Climbing in a digital world.

The internet, a seemingly endless wealth of knowledge. practically anything you think of can be typed into that infamous google seach box and yield usable results, even for us adventurers who head out into the wild to escape such technology can benefit from the wealth of knowledge that is the internet. i have come across

By |2017-12-16T19:35:01+00:00July 12th, 2009|News|Comments Off on Climbing in a digital world.