As I reflect on my recent trip to Utah with people I never met before and all of the travel I’ve done, I can’t help but think about how trying stuff has affected my life now, in the past, and in the future. I was asked many times what trying stuff meant to me, and I could never really come up with a description that I was happy with, that really captured what those two words meant, until I sat down and thought about it. It is really way more than those two words and encompasses so many facets of life. Trying stuff really is a way of life.
Trying stuff is your first run down a black diamond even though your not entirely sure you’re ready.
Trying stuff is your first trip out of the country.
Trying stuff is your first time on an airplane.
Trying stuff is admitting youre wrong when you want so badly to be right.
Trying stuff is loving yourself for who you are.
Trying stuff is flying to South America with the one you love and calling it home for the next six months.
Trying stuff is getting stuck in every major airport in the the northeast, but not giving up and going home.
Trying stuff is being bold.
Trying stuff is when they said it couldn’t be done.
Trying stuff is letting go.
Trying stuff is telling someone you love them for the very first time.
Trying stuff is not being afraid to push your limit.
Trying stuff is ignoring all the haters and living your life, on your own terms.
Trying stuff is going to the middle east when the thought terrifies and excites you in the same breath.
Trying stuff is failing, and learning from it.
So as you can see, there is so many facets to trying stuff, really we are trying stuff every day, and will continue trying stuff until the end of time. We are people, we are curious, we learn, we try, we fail, we succeed. This is the order of things.

Me, trying stuff in the snow.
Right on, Patrick! How about we all get out and #trystuff again soon? I’m ready!
Thanks Justin, hope we can all get together asap!