Welcome To Vedauwoo

    Vedauwoo is one of those lesser visited climbing areas that many people either over look, or may not even know about. Since it is located only about 2 hours from the Boulder area, I feel a lot of climbers just head there instead. Last week, the Main Wall Collective team and I headed to Vedauwoo

    By |2017-12-16T19:34:13+00:00September 6th, 2013|Adventure, Photography|0 Comments

      Paddle Party

      This weekend we took to the lake to celebrate a friends birthday party. We grabbed our kayaks and headed down to Lake Jean at Ricketts Glen State Park in Northeast Pennsylvania. The weather was perfect for kayaking! It was warm, there were lofty clounds floating in the sky, and the winds were calm. While waiting

      By |2013-07-02T10:30:47+00:00July 2nd, 2013|Adventure, Photography|0 Comments

        I’ve Been a Little Busy

        2013 has roared in like a lion in terms of me being quite the busy man. Mostly good busy though. I have been working quite intently with my good friend Jason on a ski film project tentatively titled  "Heaven's Rejects". It is a short film about the work that goes into running a ski resort

        By |2017-12-16T19:34:21+00:00February 9th, 2013|Adventure|0 Comments