A Rose From Castro
Prints Prints! Just a heads up! all of my work is available as a framed print. Framed prints are currently $30. If you want a chance to win one, head over to facebook.com/patrickgenselfreelance and like
V Dub
Overcoming Obstacles Battling adversity is part of life, we all do it, some better than others of course, but usually we all find one way or another to triumph. The reason I am mentioning this is because
A Stranger In The Forest
Daily Photo - A Stranger In The Forest A few weeks back, my friend Sabrina visited northeast PA for the first time on her trip around the world. Living for the past ten years or
The Lone Star
Daily Photo - The Lone Star They say everything is bigger in Texas, and when it comes to capitol buildings, that is no lie. The Texas state house in Austin is a large and impressive
Under The Great Pyramid
Daily Photo - Under The Great Pyramid Ahh Sin City, so many flashing lights, so many people, this town really never quits. Even if you are like me and not much of a gambler, there
Our Home In The Forest
Hey folks! be sure to keep your eyes tuned in here everyday! we are working on getting you a contest with great prizes and a lot of fun in the next few weeks, so don't