Daily Photo: Purple Magic Skyline

Seattle is one of those places I dreamed of for many years, but for one reason or another, I just couldn’t get out there. That was, until last year. I had signed up to do a Summit For Someone climb of Mount Rainier. Rainier was the driving force behind my desire to visit the Pacific Northwest. being the mountaineer that I aspire to be, it was a formidable yet attainable goal. In the end I did successfully summit that mountain, but more importantly, I developed a deeper love for the region and Seattle in particular. This photograph makes me feel the same way I remember feeling when I was there, every time I look at it. That to me is the power of a photograph.

2011 Patrick Gensel - Creative Commons Noncommercial

(Most of my images are Creative Commons – Noncommercial so feel free to use them and share as you’d like)