January Blues

Some people may hate the winter, others love it, and while I do love warm summer sunshine, and the chance to hike and photograph the outdoors with minimal layers, I still enjoy the spoils of a good winter. January in the northeast often has a pretty awesome yield of snow and Ice, and this winter

By |2017-12-16T19:34:02+00:00March 4th, 2014|Photography|0 Comments

GearHead: Grivel G14 New-Matic Crampons

Now that I have a few uses under my feet I can safely say I am ready to talk about the Grivel G14 New-Matic Crampons. When I first started researching a new pair of crampons, there were a couple things I knew I needed them to do: Multi-Purpose: General Mountaineering and Ice Climbing Replaceable frontpoints

By |2018-01-11T18:44:58+00:00January 27th, 2011|Gear|1 Comment

Hiking in the Whites

About a year ago, I took my first trip to New Hampshire. I clearly remember cresting a hill on rte 16 and being greeted by the beautiful white mountains. right then and there I wanted to do some serious exploring in this area. Unfortunately at the time I was not outfitted for a winter trek

By |2017-12-16T19:34:54+00:00June 20th, 2010|News|4 Comments